- How much does a LifeStories project cost?
LifeStories has a full range of services tailored to your budget. At the very minimum a basic interview is recorded. You can stop there or continue through to the book stage. Books can be as simple or elaborate as desired. Regardless of your choice, the most important thing is to permanently preserve the story, so that it’s not lost forever. Once the project’s scope is decided, a detailed estimate can be provided.
How long does a LifeStories project take?
It depends on the scope of the project and how busy we are, but allow for a minimum of three to six months.
How many copies should I order?
Most people order enough for their immediate family, around a dozen copies.
What if I want more than a dozen copies?
LifeStories uses a top quality printer who can give volume discounts for larger numbers.
What about photos?
Usually about a dozen photos are recommended representing key points in a subject’s life.
We can touch up photos, working from originals or jpgs. All originals are handled with care and returned promptly.
What happens to the interviews
At the end of the project the person who contracts LifeStories receives copies of the interviews in either digital or analog format, the interview transcripts, and a hard copy or pdf version of the final book.
Why use a copy editor?
Every writer needs an editor, a fresh pair of eyes to read over the copy to check content, style, spelling and punctuation. It’s a modest extra cost that puts the final polish on a book.
What about confidentiality?
No client’s name or information is used without expressed permission.
What if English is not my mother’s first language?
Often English is the second, third or fourth language of our clients. In writing the story, we pay attention to the way a person speaks, at the same time giving them the fluency they would have if they were communicating in their first language.
Where are your subjects from?
USA, Jamaica, UK, Italy, Holland, Germany, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Sudetenland, Danzig, Slovenia, Northern Ontario, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Québec, Dufferin County, Toronto, Brampton, Oakville, Hamilton, London, Ottawa and Sudbury.
Will you travel to do interviews?
Most definitely. LifeStories makes every effort to use travel time efficiently. Time and mileage are charged at competitive rates.
Do you do genealogical research?
No. LifeStories tries to collect as many facts as are easily available from the subject, but our focus is on stories and anecdotes. Our books are a good starting place for the family historian.
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